That’s not what I’m advocating, though…I’m just saying that oversharing on Facebook (something that you do) is just as much of a privacy issue as what Facebook does with your data. If you are concerned with protecting your privacy, then maybe deleting your Facebook account (including Messenger) is the right move. If you think that using Facebook Messenger presents a privacy challenge, then you need to also consider whether posting on Facebook is a challenge. So calm down, don’t believe the fear-mongers….just relax. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but installing the Messenger app isn’t going to place your privacy in any more risk than the already embarrassing photos and “woe is me” posts that you’re putting on Facebook yourself. Believe it or not, Facebook does not care that you're playing Candy Crush Saga on the toilet. It’s true…Facebook is not interested in any of your embarrassing bathroom noises while you play Candy Crush Saga on the toilet. Surprise…they don’t want to hear you use the terms “ping”, “strategize” and “leverage” in your corporate meetings. No…Facebook is not really interested in your rants during your kids soccer game. Even if it were true, and Facebook were spying…is your life really that interesting? If you’re concerned with Facebook listening in on your conversations, maybe you should rethink what activities you’re engaged in. Do We REALLY Think Facebook Is Spying On Us Using The Messenger App? There is no special Messenger login that you need and there is no special Messenger login online. Once you navigate to Facebook in your browser, you can open Messenger from within the Web view and read your messages. TL DR – For those who want the quick answer without having to read the entire post, you can read your Facebook Messenger messages by accessing Facebook through a browser, not the mobile app. There have been a few changes to Messenger in the fact that there is a new app, but do you need it to view your Facebook messages? The quick answer is yes…and it’s a lot easier than you think.

The result, however, has been quite a few conversations where friends and family have asked me whether they should avoid installing the Messenger app and whether there are options to open messages sent via Messenger without using the app. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases when you buy something from those links. I get commissions for purchases made through those links. Please note: Some of the links in my posts are affiliate links.